Elder Services of Cape
Cod & the Islands

An organization that helps older adults and people with disabilities maintain well-being and

The Problem.

Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands (ESCCI) needed to re-invent its look if it wanted to
stay relevant online. When the leadership from ESCCI approached 118Group, their existing
website was dated from both a design and a technology perspective and it led to a poor
user experience for their clients and a less-than-stellar first impression.

Our Solutions.

While reviewing the current site and putting together a plan for the redesign, it became
clear to our team that the branding for the organization needed to be revisited as well. The
existing brand featured some dated graphics and colors that fell flat when on-screen. We
recommended that the project start with a rebranding in order to establish a solid
foundation before shifting into the redesign.

The Logo

Our main focus when it came to designing a
new logo for ESCCI was to move away from the
cold blue color scheme and inject some
optimism and warmth into the branding.

The homepage

Our main focus, when it came to the website’s homepage, was first to start with improving the architecture
of information. The original site had a confusing and overwhelming left-side menu that left much to be
desired from a UX perspective. We consolidated ESCCI’s programs and offerings in order to simplify the
main menu experience for users. We also added two CTAs for “Donate” and “Contact” as these were clear
priorities for the client.

We then used big, bold text to highlight key information on the homepage and designed a flow from top-
to-bottom that felt smooth and natural with plenty of whitespaces and just the right amount of color from
the redesigned brand to make elements pop off the page.

Content Sections

The use of color behind the images, the bright call-to-action, and the use of white
space around the text make this section engaging and easy to read!

We made the text large and kept the word count short for specific content areas on
the site for impact and legibility.

We built a robust resource section for ESCCI’s clients that easily allows them to
access important information relevant to their needs.

The Finished

The rebranding and website redesign for ESCCI have revitalized their online presence, making it more welcoming and user-friendly. The modern design, vibrant colors, and simplified navigation enhance the user experience, ensuring easy access to vital resources. This transformation aligns with ESCCI’s mission to support the well-being and independence of older adults and people with disabilities, strengthening their community connection and engagement.

Total Project Time: 35 Weeks

New Website URL: escci.org

Client Contact: Laura Roskos

118Group helped resolve the puzzle of presenting the breadth of our programming and with beautiful results. Our staff, board and clients all appreciate the ease of navigation and interactive features on our new website!

Laura Roskos
Communications & Development Manager

Inspired to take the next step?

We’re here to listen. Let’s start a conversation to share your ideas, goals, and challenges. Let’s collaborate on a digital strategy that takes your nonprofit forward.

Meet Dylan, he wants to amplify your impact

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